Sunday, 6 November 2016

Poole Guildhall Wedding Photography, Dorset, UK. Amanda & Matt

One of the Perks of my job is photographing people who i Know. I worked with both Amanda & Matt at my last job before i gave it up to pursue photography full time. They got Married at the awesome Poole Guildhall.
The suppliers to this wedding are as follows. The photos speak for themselves for the standard of work they produce. Top job guys!
Flowers New Street Flowers
Static Hair
Make up
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big thanks to greg for helping me ! :D
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Wednesday, 2 November 2016

Ramblings, thoughts, tips & tricks of a Wedding Photographer

Weddings are fun, so they should be shot as such. That's my theory, The amount of times i hear of horror storys of guests not enjoying the photo part of the Wedding day, It is the most common thing that is said to me. “Oh i was at one once where the Bride & Groom was gone for hours and then they shot stood about ages doing groups” I love having a relationship with the couple & to be able to chat beforehand so i know exactly what they want out of their day, Yes, no one wants to stand around for hours on end doing formal photographs. But if we sort a short list beforehand we can get them done sharpish. The sooner the Bride & Groom has a drink and a pastry orderve in the hand the better, because who doesn't smile n laugh when they have food & drink in there hand :D
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I was asked if i would like to share some tips on how I capture moments that dont distract from the main event of the day, My favorite thing to do at weddings is Candid photography. It is hard to work and not be seen by the guests to capture moments but my fave way of doing this is to walk around with my Olympus EM-5 camera. It is so small and most people hardly notice it. This lets me wander around seeking out people having a good time. I am intrigued by a new company called Light that is developing a compact camera that could be a game changer for this. they can be found here
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Also Having a 2nd photographer with me during the day helps me so much. While I am photographing the must haves the 2nd photographer can cast a second eye over everything and pre-empt things happening from a different angle. For example. Here is a shot taken by Greg thurtle who 2nd shot for me at a Poole, UK wedding. i was waiting at the end of the aisle for the bride so this would of never been captured if i was on my own & to this day is one of my fave images.
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Life is to short, Dont be a stick in the mud. Why not join in on the fun ? this is a prime example where i was remembered by a guest and 6 months later… I was photographing their wedding day. I love chatting at weddings and i hate the word but “banter” with the guests can lead to making new friends and clients.  photo 12187972_10153089337040997_6858475885578120654_o_zpscshme944.jpg
Ill leave this post with a bit of advice I would of liked when i started.
Having a Rapport with the guests can lead to lovely shots like this  photo 326846_10150912184450997_2118103252_o_zpsqrtsffor.jpg
Let kids be kids
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Do your exercises
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Avoid vapors
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Dont drink on the job *cough*
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Dont bring your own kids #effort
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About Me

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I am a freelance photographer From sunny sunny Bournemouth - I love shooting people mostly. I have a relaxed reportage feel to my Wedding work as i like to let the day run its own course but still involve set up portraits throughout the day I have a pretty much open mind with my photography :-) I also really enjoy Shooting Live Music & Sport

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