Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Pole Crazy January Shoot 2012

Iv worked on a couple of shoots for Pole Crazy (Bournemouth Based pole fitness)http://www.polecrazy.com/, there all great fun to work with........well, being a red blooded male it would be pretty tough not to enjoy photographing this lot I ended up with over 200images from this session so it was reeeally tough to choose fave's to blog here. so here are just a few So the mission was to grab some posed shots and some action.........so here goes Jan2012-PoleCrazy-TimChurchill (80 of 215) Jan2012-PoleCrazy-TimChurchill (87 of 215) Jan2012-PoleCrazy-TimChurchill (81 of 215) an2012-PoleCrazy-TimChurchill (77 of 215) -Jan2012-PoleCrazy-TimChurchill (56 of 215) -Jan2012-PoleCrazy-TimChurchill (50 of 215) -Jan2012-PoleCrazy-TimChurchill (26 of 215) -Jan2012-PoleCrazy-TimChurchill (38 of 215) T-Jan2012-PoleCrazy-TimChurchill (211 of 215) -Jan2012-PoleCrazy-TimChurchill (200 of 215) Jan2012-PoleCrazy-TimChurchill (192 of 215) Jan2012-PoleCrazy-TimChurchill (197 of 215) Jan2012-PoleCrazy-TimChurchill (189 of 215) Jan2012-PoleCrazy-TimChurchill (184 of 215) Jan2012-PoleCrazy-TimChurchill (148 of 215) Jan2012-PoleCrazy-TimChurchill (127 of 215) -Jan2012-PoleCrazy-TimChurchill (120 of 215) And to finnish off with my fave of the session -Jan2012-PoleCrazy-TimChurchill (164 of 215)

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I am a freelance photographer From sunny sunny Bournemouth - I love shooting people mostly. I have a relaxed reportage feel to my Wedding work as i like to let the day run its own course but still involve set up portraits throughout the day I have a pretty much open mind with my photography :-) I also really enjoy Shooting Live Music & Sport

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