First off was the show at "Chords" the new'ish music venue situated in Poole. The venue itself hasnt change much from its predicesor. but it now seems like it has the same ambition.
My first experiance of Chords was pretty awfull. (Kittie show, earlier this year) having to wait outside in a que while th warm up act Maniacal edge started to play to an empty room. But wait.......this time they let people in before the show started :-)
M-Edge started off the show again to a reasonable sized crowd. Im still not sure if im completely sold by this band. but they are definatly worth seeing - i look forward to seeing them evolve more and away from Dorset a bit more and tear up some big city scenes. its a nice break to have a new metal band different to the same old drivel hardcore scene has churned out of the past few years................which leads us nicely onto.......
Attila.........eeerm yes. im goin to pass comment on this band and let u look em up on youtube .
if you like them - good for you. each to there own i say :)
So then....Enter Hed PE
Both shows i saw were identical (as expected from a large Euro Tour) But both giving off different vibes. Both Crowds were imense. the Maddest being Southamptons Talking heads by far.......... The band followed a strict setlist even reminding the crowd halfway through the set there not a Jukebox collection for everyone to pick and choose. there playing what there playing ...end of. The Soton show ran into some Tech problems mid set with a crackling mic of which the band stormed off stage..... Sound issues were then rectified with a replacment mic and everthing was forgoten by the time the first chord of "bartender" was played.......
Bartender // Talking heads Soton
iv been to some sweaty gigs in the past..............and talking heads always is def up there with the hottest........
in conclusion. amazzzzing times was had by all on both nights................and yes it was a shame that half the presold tickets bought was for the act that couldnt support Hed PE but shhhhh we dont really wann talk about that......(im still upset)
oh and if your still reading this ? then poor u ...u must be bored haha
Oh and can i add. any band with the small international success over th years Hed PE have had and still know its all about the fans after the gig n hang about n chill out, is alright in my book!!
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