Sunday, 12 September 2010

San Francisco

Hello CA!


So we drove 12 hours south to San Francisco from what a drive.
We got recomended to go a uni town called Eugene so as we left about 1700 we decided to go for a few beers..... we got there about half eight nineish to find we werent allowed in anywhere without our passports.....due to nearly dieing of alcoholic thirst we went back 2 the car to grab them. With passports in hand we tried the local ale in 3 different bars, the last being the coolest looking metal bar you have seen your life.......but it turned out to be hip-hop night. eeeeeeeeep blinging rapper wannabee's walking around all gangsta and some awful drowning gangsta rap music.........all in all the night perked up when lex n jamie found the most drunk girl i have ever met. she provided mass of entertainment as we tried to
convice her we were a touring hanson tribute band from the UK.

The rest of the 10 hour drive was next on our list at the stroke of mid-night. i got about 2 hours or so down the road n couldnt handle driving anymore. so we pulled over at a big carpark n snoozed till 0600. and then
carried on the journey from there. The guys fixed there camera to the window of some of the driving and the mountains are actualy full on amazing! some of these were taken through the window...but kinda still work lol




This was a small little village. very cowboy n western feel to it :) we had a great steak here Photobucket

a few stops latter n food breaks latter we arrived in a SUNNY san fransisco. Barb's Stuart Beautifull family home. WoW this house is amazing. it is just the other side to the golden gate bridge at the base of a nice range of hills.
They were perfect hosts for us and so very kind. we got all our washing done and got to sleep in mega comfy beds :-) and a veh cool dog called Tucker!


upon arrival onced showerd etc Stuart Kindly took us out to see some of the spots in San Fran. There i got some of the cliche shots of the bridge and alcatraz etc. it was more of a reccee for the next day where we hit up Lombard street
@ 0700. we beat all of the traffic so the guys can race down a few times, i think they got away with 5 times down until he traffic picked up. Local bin-man was called Gary. who was such a nice guy. but initialy shouting down the street
"you guys are crazy man!"

so here's gary! say hi gary everyone.



after the racing we decided to hit up the sights properly. we really wanted to see the alcatraz tour but unfortunatly t was booked up for 2 days solid :o( oh well. at least we got our tram ride in and a bit of shopping.... we were verylucky though with clear skys n no fog for the bridge on the first day :D so that more than made up for not goin on the tour.


Cliche much?





aparently all the locals love seing how the statue shows mr collumbus's junk








we found a neighbor


pier 35




Red wood park






after a long day down town we got back about 1700ish to shower up n head out to town. Brett (Stuarts Son) took us out 2 his old stomping ground in San Fran. we hit up the BEST little mexican kitchen ever. iv never tasted anything
quite like it soooo many yum random flavours and to this hour i still havnt felt it take its prescence through my gut ifyou catch my drift ;-) so yeah. we hit up some bars after that. one trendy one and another rock type bar. I found
Blackthorne on Tap but still tastes soo sweet. im sure the yanks put a crap load of sugar in there cider. We taught Brett some key english phrases like having a 'touch of a rapist' or 'sweating like a paedo in a playground' all quite
common for us but very ammusing for them :-)

we got home about 0220 to set our alarms for just before 0700 to leave for santa cruz and barbra. .......................errrm we got up about 0900 but luckily we didnt drink that much so no hangover.

Barbera & Lindsey very kindly cooked us up some steak to make some sandwiches for our trip....... for vegetarians these
guys cook the perfect steak. i cant even cook it that good :(

the guys in the Foreman household were too kind too us and it provide a great stepping stone on our trip. We head off
about just after 11 and were now on the road to Stuarts sisters place in Santa Barbera which is just outside of LA.

can anyone say....private beach on a ranch ? wooop wooop. skinny dipping naked surfin here i come! haha

oh dear i wonder if they know what they have let thereselves in for.

oh ya., we hit up the bridge again n got some great shots of the guys posing n doin there thing. as you can see
we have been lumberd with heavy rain all the time :D:D:D:D hahaha not






With all of this traveling and fitting everything in im not surprised why it has been hard to do regular blog updates.
having a spare 30 mins each day isnt quite enought to go through 100s of photos. so im getting to the stage now where i
will be taking the ocational pic from each session n editing the rest at home.

anywho. im off to go back up some photos n edit some for this post.

wish u all were here....................LOL

oh n as this blog went on for long enough i thought i would leave it with a sexy photo, nice one lex


Friday, 10 September 2010

Seattle Then Onto Portland

Right then our last day in seattle saw us get up early ,yes we didnt get smashed the night b4 as we ate the greasiest half pounder burger in a yank bar listenin to
a cool blues/jazz band! ooooh n it was amaaazing. so ya we got up early to get a look at the seattle skyline for a quick photo before we left for Portland!


it was about nearly a 3hr drive down to portland with stops. on route we got a jack in the box. it was sooooo nice. it totaly kicks
the ass out of mcdonalds.


so the 12 hour trip started!

biiig trucks yup yup

i love taking my own photo hahaha

the rest of the clan. oh n our bestest friend gatorade!


quick car grabs of portland!


Dee, on old online friend is at portland so she kindly sorted out a night out for us. considoring it was a tuesday night we had such an amazing time!
we hit up a few pubs after booking into a sleazy hotel/motel place. 6-10 beers latter we went to portlands famous "voodoo dohnuts" its a real small
dohnut shop which is open 24 hours! and OMG im not normaly a huge donut fan but they had everything. we all obviosly went for what there best known for.
the maple bacon dohnut...........................i was eating it thinking why do i like this?????????? this is sooooooo wrong hahahahah
but yes. it was amazing

we woke up the next day with our sore heads and went off riding 2 parks, the famous 'burnside' which is located under the freeway. rode there for an
hour or so before we got kicked off by the local skaters. well......they were all cool until one guy turned up n said no bikes allowed. oh well.
thats the joys of riding other ppls turf... the gayers lol. we then went for my first trip to hooters. the guys already have been 5 times haha.
hmmmmm boobies.


lexjew broke his bike yup


local rider!






after food we drove to pier park skatepark, this had a FULL pipe, n looked so good. i dont personaly ride but you can tell it looked fun to ride.
the edge of the bowl u can see is 11'5ft n thats huuuuuuge, i had fun getting out of it after taking the photos ahhahah beached whale much









portland US roadtrip

lex n jamie got some video of them too so im lookin forward to seein that footage again.


a hungover dee then tracked us down n we headed out to grab some coffee at a old school house that has been converted to a bar restraunt and hotel! it was
really well decorated n aparently a chain!?

after coffee n more food we went to see some local skate shops and some reeeally cool local design cloth shops. i bought a wicked tee., :-)
i nearly bought sarah some cloths today but decided she wouldnt like a hooters teeshirt . nor a spray can skull design either. :D


we finnished up in portland with meeting Dee's parrents in town. its crazy knowing of someone for soo many years and finaly meeting them.
We gotta say a huuuuuuuuuuuuuge thanks for Dee n the girls for showing us a great time! ill be definatly coming back to Portland one day!!!!

im now writting this on the way to SAN FRANCISCO! 15hr road trip....ouch. gnna be a craaazzzyyy drive as it is now 1930 haha oh well.a vast amount of Gatorade
shall be drunk!

roll on san fran n roll on LA san diego n VEGAS! i think i have some money left..........i dont want to check my account. i havnt been doin bad actualy

probably averaging 60 bucks a day.

anywho. ill stop writing now as im sure no one is sad enough to read all of this :D:D:D:D

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About Me

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I am a freelance photographer From sunny sunny Bournemouth - I love shooting people mostly. I have a relaxed reportage feel to my Wedding work as i like to let the day run its own course but still involve set up portraits throughout the day I have a pretty much open mind with my photography :-) I also really enjoy Shooting Live Music & Sport

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